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Computer Science Engineering
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Internship (MSc)

The internship is an integral part of the curriculum, and its completion is a prerequisite for applying for the final exam!

Before the final exam - during the four semesters - students have to apply for an internship at a company. During the internship students have to do a work which is related to informatics, computer science. It can be, for example, web or application development, programming, database management, system administration, robotics, automation, PLC programming, etc. Internship can be used to gain some experience in a working environment. It is also important since during the internship a student can determine whether a particular job is suitable for him/her or not. Some students may make such a good connection with a company that they remain at the company as a permanent worker.

Minimum period of the internship is: 6 weeks (240 hours) This means, that a student may work:

  • 6 weeks, 5 days / week and 8 hours / day, or
  • 1 hour through 240 days, or
  • for some other period, but in total 240 hours.

At the end of the internship the following items must be submitted to the university:

  • Cooperation Agreement (updated: 2025-02-06) - printed paper, signed by the company, 3 originals! No photocopy!
  • Working diary - This is a self prepared PDF document, which details the kind of work that the student has done at the company. The minimum number of pages is 5 (excluding title page). The document must start with a title page with the details of the students (name, Neptun code), title (Working diary) and the date. The document must contain the description of your work at the company. Please organise this document in such a way, that the work is described for every day or every week. In the case of weekly work description, sufficient details must be provided. 1 or 2 sentences are not enough in this case. Please send this document to Ildikó Zimmermann ().
  • Certificate of completion of the internship. Please send this document to Ildikó Zimmermann ().

It is worth to visit the web site, where the surrounding IT companies are listed.