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Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Semester Calendar 15/16/2

Orientation Day of the Faculty for Full-time Students:
1st of February (Monday) 9:00
Location: A-007 - Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (Boszorkány street 2.)

Orientation Day for Erasmus and Exchange Students:
1st of February (Monday)
Institutional Opening Ceremony: 11:00
Location: Rákóczy út 80., Halasy-Nagy József Aula (First Floor)
Orientation Day of the Faculty:13:30
Location: A-103 (First Floor) Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (Boszorkány street 2.)

Study Period (15 weeks):
starts: On Monday, the 1st February  2016.
ends: Friday, the 13th May 2016.
For Projects's Corrections:
between: 17-20 May 2015

Exam Period (1 week – still in Pécs!):
Note: registration for the exams only possible if the tuition fee and the dormitory fee is paid!
between the 23rd of May and 27th of May 2015.
(plan to stay here in Pécs until the end of Exam Period - some exams can be organized at the end of this time)

Spring Holiday:
from the 28th March 'till the 1st April
National Holidays:
14th March (Monday)
15th March (Tuesday)
28th March (Monday)
16th May (Monday)