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Computer Science Engineering
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Autonomous Technologies and Drones Research Team

Name of the research team:
Autonomous Technologies and Drones Research Team
Name of the institute hosting the research team:
Institute of Information and Electrical Technology

Head of the research team and their academic qualification:
Name Academic Qualification Status Department
Dr. Géza Várady PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Members of the research team:
Name Academic Qualification Status Department
Dr. Zoltán Sári PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Dr. Ádám Schiffer PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Dr. Miklós Gerzson candidate of sciences associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Ildikó Jancskárné Dr. Anweiler PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Dr. Balázs Tukora PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Dr. Zsolt Ercsey PhD associate professor Department of Systems and Software Technologies
Gábor Gyurák senior lecturer Department of Systems and Software Technologies
Dr. Tamás Storcz PhD assistant professor Department of Systems and Software Technologies
Péter Müller assistant lecturer Department of Technical Informatics
Tibor Malkó technical supporting staff Department of Automation
Zsolt Kisander assistant lecturer Department of Electrical Networks
Sebők-Tornai Bence assistant lecturer Department of Technical Informatics
Scope of the research team:
The research team focuses on the development of smart solutions for autonomous drones and robots. One of the main goals is to develop an autonomous drone as a platform where task-specific measurement systems and methods can be designed and built. Tasks related to drones as a platform include communication, data transmission, remote data link and control solutions, onboard and offboard systems.

Other areas of the research team are related to Signal and Image Processing, System Modelling and Simulation. Here, the work will focus on the research and development of modern signal processing methods, system modelling and simulation techniques and their innovative applications. It can be used in a wide range of research areas. Among others, modern methods based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, which are currently gaining ground nowadays, rely heavily on the processing and analysis of signals (one or more dimensions) as input. It is also the basis for the identification and creation of adequate models representing signals and systems. The field of artificial vision deals with research related to vision - machine vision. This includes the calculation and derivation of values for the parameters of visual space that are characteristic of human perception, such as color, brightness, etc., but also machine perception of space, which is not based on human perception (e.g.: ultrasound scanning).

In its recent research work, the research team is also focusing on applications for collaborative robots: designing workflows and systems that are appropriate to the capabilities of robots, using technologies such as augmented reality-based visualization and remote manipulation.
Research objectives of the research team
The research team is the result of the merger of several long-established working groups. One of its main long-term goals is to intensively cultivate and propagate the applied engineering informatics disciplines of the South Transdanubian region. The research team collaborates with several organizations (Neumann János Computer Science Society, Pécs Academic Committee) and with institutes and research teams within the University of Pécs and conducts interdisciplinary research.

The short-term goal is to maintain and equip the research group through further tenders. Integrating regional industrial partners in our research projects and promoting innovative solutions of our ongoing projects is also a priority. In terms of scientific activity, the aim is to publish further Q1, Q2 articles regularly in prestigious international journals and to recruit future members.
Education, Research, and Innovation graph

2020 - 2023 MTMT data

Dr. Várady Géza
Dr. Sári Zoltán
Dr. Schiffer Ádám
Jancskárné Dr. Anweiler Ildikó
Dr. Tukora Balázs
Dr. Ercsey Zsolt
Gyurák Gábor
Storcz Tamás
Müller Péter
Kisander Zsolt
Dr. Gerzson Miklós
Malkó Tibor
Sebők-Tornai Bence