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Computer Science Engineering
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

2019 - Scholarship for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

In the second semester of the academic year of 2019/2020 the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs, continues its programme supporting Undergraduate Teaching Assistants by providing financial and academic awards for their work in supporting education through their excellence in professional and scientific activities.

The objective of the scholarship programme is to motivate students to develop professionally, to pursue scientific activities by acknowledging their supporting role in education, to strengthen the cooperation between lecturers and students and to arouse interest in a teaching career. The aided Undergraduate Teaching Assistant’s activity includes collaboration in scientific research work, participation in educational and research organisational tasks, engagement in the Scientific Students’ Association activities and supporting the teaching profession.

Applications for the scholarship of maximum 40,000 HUF/person/month for 4 months (from September 2019 to December 2019)
during the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year can be submitted by filling in the
application form.

Those successful applicants, who complete the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant’s activity through the semester, will also be entitled to earn two credits from the elective category which can be accredited in accordance with the general rule for acknowledging a course, i.e. by producing a certificate issued by the head of the institute.

Submission deadline for the Scholarship for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants: 20th September, 2019.

Applications will be evaluated within five working days by the Grants and Scholarship Committee of the Faculty.

For more details follow this link

Dr Gabriella Medvegy

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