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Computer Science Engineering
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

2014 - Professor Boris Anatolyevich Yakimovich

Boris Anatolyevich Yakimovich is an honorary doctor of the University of Pecs since 6 November 2014.

Boris Jakimovich was born on April 15, 1952, in Belarus. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the prestigious predecessor of the Izhevsk State Technical University in 1974.


1974 - Assistant Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, then Dean of the Faculty of Technology of the Izhevsk University of Mechanical Engineering.
1981 - Candidate of Engineering Science.
1994 - Doctor of Technology.
1994 - Head of Department for Scientific Research in Education Processes at IZsGTU.
1997 - Deputy Rector for Strategy and Innovation at IZsGTU.

Since 2007, he is the rector of IZsGTU.


Boris Jakimovics has been engaged in teaching-pedagogical activities in the field of engineering and he has developed curricula in the field of technical - engineering subjects and held high-quality lectures based on scientific research results.
He is a co-author of 11 textbooks and study manuals recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for teaching methodology in Russian higher education institutions. He has published more than 200 scientific articles in international, Russian publications and journals, and co-inventor of 15 service patents.
At the doctoral school he leads, his students have been awarded several doctoral degrees. 


The successful cooperation between Izhevsk State Technical University (IZsGTU) and the University of Pécs (PTE) dates back to 1998, in which the initiator Rector Boris Yakimovich played an important role.
Each year, IZSGTU and the Student Council of the University of Pécs organize and support student cultural exchange programs, which enable students of the partner universities to become acquainted with the education system of the partner universities, and of course the cultural life of Izhevsk and Pécs. Within the framework of the program, the two institutions host 10-10 students each year from the partner institution.
The teacher exchange program is a significant part of the cooperation where our teachers hold professional lectures for students at each other's institutions, mainly in the fields of architecture and construction.
Thanks to scientific cooperation, Zoltán Orbán, lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, has prepared and successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Technical University of Izsevsk, led by Professor Boris Yakimovich.
Teachers from both universities regularly attend joint conferences, so Prof. Yakimovics was an invited lecturer at the Jubilee Rector's Conference entitled "Expanding Europe" organized by the University of Pécs in October 2010.
The mechanical student team of the Faculty of Engineering participated in the first Student International Olympiad in Mechanism and Machine Science competition, which was organized by IZsGTU.