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Ignaz L. Lieben Award 2019

the Austrian Academy of Sciences would like to draw your attention to the announcement of the Ignaz L. Lieben Award 2019.

The Ignaz L. Lieben Award amounts to US-$ 36,000,- and is granted to young scientists who have been working in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia or Slovenia, permanently in the last 3 years.

Candidates should not be older than 40 years, have completed their doctorate and made outstanding contributions to the fields of molecular biology, chemistry or physics.

The Academies of Sciences of the countries listed above may propose candidates or scientists may apply themselves.


Deadline for applications:  April 30, 2019


We would greatly appreciate you informing your scientific community and potential candidates about this award.


For further information please access the following website: https://stipendien.oeaw.ac.at/en/preise/naturwissenschaften/ignaz-l-lieben-award/


Best regards,

Barbara Haberl